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I sat working at my desk with the lights off. Something was bothering me, but I couldn't put a name to it. It was a different kind of feeling, one that speaks to your inner voice. The glow from the computer screen gave the room an eerie feel. It was in the middle of the night and I could barely keep my eyes open. The loose board creaked and I sat up to see what had taken over the silence in my room.

"It was nothing."

The coffee I drank had went straight through me. I placed my phone on the desk and went to relieve myself of the java.

While in the bathroom, I heard my email chime. When I returned, the computer indicated I had a message. I sat down and opened my Gmail. Chills formed on my neck and down my spine. My muscles tensed. It had been sent from my computer.

My eyes scanned the room to the left and right, but there was no one. I opened the message. It said “Don’t Turn Around.".

I thought, "Who would do this."

The blood splatter on the screen ended my curiosity.

Huffman Monk

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